BlueBox 2500, 5000 RO DS


Skid mounted desalination BlueBox system, configured to customers specifications and water conditions. Can also be mounted in containers for portable large scale water production.

Raw water is initially dosed with chlorine. This takes care of the organic matter to some extent. Raw water is then passed through Multi Media Filter with the help of Feed pump of suitable capacity to remove suspended impurities. This filer unit gives the coarse filtration. Filtered water is then passed through Activated Carbon Filter to remove excess chlorine (dechlorination), odour, and turbidity due to colloidal suspended impurities and organic impurities. De chlorinated water is then dosed with antiscalant dosing system. The water is further passed through 5 micron cartridge filter to remove micron particles to avoid clogging of the Reverse Osmosis membrane. Reverse Osmosis unit is the heart of the treatment scheme. It will reduce the Dissolved Salts from the raw water up to the remarkable level. A lot of bacteria are also removed in this process. The treated water from Reverse Osmosis unit will be passed through Ultraviolet Sterilisation to ensure complete bacteria free pure water.
  • 2500 or 5000 litres/hour
  • Reverse Osmosis unit
  • Chlorine Dosing system
  • Raw Water Booster Pump
  • Multi Media Filter
  • Activated Carbon Filter
  • Antiscalant Dosing System
  • 5 Micron Filters
  • pH Correction System
  • UV Sterilisation System Chlorine Dosing System Piping (set) Skid

About the Company

Brandlance Kenya Limited specializes in the provision of cost effective products and services ranging from water drilling and management solutions, solar panels, electronics products and accessories, military equipment & apparels among others all over East Africa..


To become a leading company providing best, reliable, valued added solutions to our consumers and stakeholders.

Get in Touch
House & McGeorge Centre
P. O. Box 13101- 00200 Nairobi - Kenya
Phone: +254 722 318 169 / 0739 827 767
WhatsApp: +45 51 719 437

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