BlueBox 30 RO

BlueBox 30 RO.png

Light mobile Reverse Osmosis water purification unit, mounted in a sturdy case. Provides clean drinking water to up to 30 people in remote areas.

This unit has a daily capacity of 720 litres per day, giving 5 litres of drinking water for 144 people, or 36 pcs 20 L bottles. The BlueBox Suitcase system is a highly portable drinking water purification unit made for smaller groups and platoons on missions to rural areas, humanitarian catastrophes, and other expeditions.
  • Clean drinking water safety exceeding WHO standards
  • From any raw water source
  • ‘Plug & Play’ units ready for fast deployment
  • Proven concept in more than 20 countries
  • Drinking water setup in less than 10 minutes
  • Light weight, highly mobile unit
  • Easy to operate
  • Integrated internal battery
  • Multiple power solution: can run on solar power, external battery, power grid, 230 volt

About the Company

Brandlance Kenya Limited specializes in the provision of cost effective products and services ranging from water drilling and management solutions, solar panels, electronics products and accessories, military equipment & apparels among others all over East Africa..


To become a leading company providing best, reliable, valued added solutions to our consumers and stakeholders.

Get in Touch
House & McGeorge Centre
P. O. Box 13101- 00200 Nairobi - Kenya
Phone: +254 722 318 169 / 0739 827 767
WhatsApp: +45 51 719 437

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